Classical Acupuncture and the scientific method
Many Western scientists try to prove or disprove the power and effectiveness of Chinese medical modalities. There’s a lot of doubt and...
Fire – the Communicator
A person with a fiery personality can be very active, outgoing and dynamic. The Fire element within our body deals with the communication...
Wood – the Visionary
The Wood element and its energetics remind us of spring. To use one word – determination! In the spring all the seeds that hid...
Water Element - Wisdom
The Water element refers to the water that comes down from the heavens, permeates the earth, and collects into the deep. It is dark and...
Metal Element - Respect to Tradition
The ability to let go is related to the strength of the Metal element in our body. The lungs and the large intestine are the organs that...
Earth Element - The "Giver"
“Mother Earth” is the metaphor of the Earth element. It is always giving, and nourishing. Therefore, the expression of the Earth element...
Classical Acupuncture: Between East and West
Chinese medicine, in all its modalities, including classical acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage have been around for a long time....
About Nutrition
Nutrition = food+digestion No matter how great our food is, if the digestive process is faulty, the body will not be able to fully...
Five Elements - Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Did you know that your personality’s strength and weaknesses give you an insight into your health? Also, noticing your health issues can...